Latest Episodes
Season 2: Episode #3 - STORIES: Lexie
Today’s podcast is the second installment of the “In My Backyard” series: STORIES. Patricia speaks with former Guidance Center client, Lexie, about her life,...
Season 2: Episode #2 - The Impact of Foster Placement on Youth
Today’s podcast discusses the impact of foster placement on children. According to researchers Sarah Font and Elizabeth Gershoff, at any given time in the...
Season 2: Episode #1 - Suicide and Elite Student Athletes
Today’s podcast discusses suicide, which might be painful and triggering for some listeners. If you are experiencing thoughts of suicide, or are worried that...
Episode #24 - Mental Health and Children Aged Birth to Five
Today’s podcast discusses an area of mental health that has gained increasing levels of attention over the past decade: mental health diagnoses and treatment...
Episode #23 - Intensive Field-Based Services or Residential Treatment?
Today’s episode discusses the pros and cons of offering our most troubled children intensive field-based treatment, over long-term residential placement or hospitalization. Current data...
Episode #22 - Psychological Testing in the Clinical Assessment
This week’s episode discusses one element of the mental health experience, standardized psychological testing in the clinical assessment. When an individual begins mental health...